
Cooking with Ziza: Online Workshop



  • Create super healthy and delicious vegetarian meals for yourself, family or friends
  • Optimise your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing, without leaving the kitchen!
  • Love your mind, love your body, love the planet
  • Join weekly or as and when you want
  • Every Thursday 12.00 to 13.00 CET
  • Online via Zoom (the workshop lasts around 45 minutes)
  • 5 Euros per class (or 6 class pack for 25 Euros)
SKU: CZ1H Categories: ,


What’s cooking with Ziza?


Join Ziza for one-off or weekly cookery classes. Super healthy, vegetarian foods prepared with pleasure and love. Learn to cook from your senses and your intuition. Make even the food you eat a part of your spiritual practice. Simple, nourishing, beautiful and tasty foods. What better way to boost your wellbeing than prioritising the raw materials that your body and mind are made of.

Ziza’s approach to art and food stems from her earliest memories with her parents. Her father, who she called Aba, would say, ‘Ziza come with me and pick olives to make pickles,’ or ‘let’s make mosaics’. With Aba she used to make many different pickles, wine, jams and fruit rolls. At the Kibbutz she had to offer one weekend each month to support the community. She chose to work in the kitchen. There she learned how to prepare three meals a day, in large quantities and in huge vats. Later, when she went to live in Spain, with Yair and their daughter Shanti, they started a retreat centre. This is where she began to express her creativity and love – by cooking for her family and the guests at the retreat.

Cooking the meals brings back the smells, textures, colours and tastes from her past into the present. Cooking, for Ziza, is a meditation, a time for joy and peace.

Guests to the retreat loved the food and Ziza would often be asked, ‘Do you have a recipe book?’, ‘Do you offer cooking workshops?’

Eventually she did write a book and she did start to share her cookery skills in online workshops.

Ziza invited you to come and visit Armonia Alpujarra for a cooking retreat. Or to join her in an online cookery workshop.


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