
Energetic Academy for Coaches and Counsellors


This breakthrough training is designed specifically for therapists, coaches, counselors, and psychologists. The course will include and build upon the energy reading techniques of Infinite Being Academy.

It will take those practices to a new level by incorporating mindfulness practices and scientific grounds for the method, in a way that will fully support mental and emotional well-being professionals to maximise their success.


Stop Guessing, Start Knowing: Energy Reading for Coaches.

Together with Adriana, we’ve created a radical new online course: Stop Guessing, Start Knowing: Transformational Energy Practices to radically up-cycle your diagnostic and treatment protocols: Energy Reading for Coaches.

This break-through training is designed to build upon the energy reading techniques of Infinite Being Academy. It will take those practices to a new level by incorporating mindfulness practices and scientific grounds for the method, in a way that will fully support mental and emotional well-being professionals to maximise their success.


  • This course is specifically designed for psychologists, therapists, coaches, counsellors or any mental health professional.
  • With a 16 week duration students will receive a deep understanding of how energy can be effectively integrated into diagnostic and treatment to positively impact clinical results.
  • Classes will last 90 minutes and will take place once per week, live on Zoom.
  • The course will be held by Yair Sagy (LaC, NCCA) & Adriana Spartaru (Transformational Mindfullness Coach).
  • Starts on Wednesday 24 November 2021, with the following schedule: 12.30 to 14.00 CET (11.30 to 13.00 BST).

We have been teaching Energy Reading and helping our students grow for over a decade now, check what our students have to say about us here: student feedback archive

Learn more about the Energy Reading for Coaches course back in the full description course page.