Zoom Clinic and Accreditation
Booking sessions is dependent upon Yair’s availability
What is our Zoom Clinic?
An online clinic platform, via Zoom, to practise ‘live’ energy reading treatment sessions.
The practise session needs to be booked and undertaken between a Student and a Client: supervised by Yair.
Who can use it?
Students of the Advanced and Graduate Energy Reading Course.
As part of the accreditation, Graduate Students are required to complete and present 10 Written Client Practise Treament (case studies) using the TEMPLATE form: Practise Energy Reading Treatment Session.
The 10 Client Practise Treatment Sessions must include:
– 6 x Unsupervised Practise Client Treatment Sessions (written up)
– 4 x Supervised Practise Client Treatment Sessions: written up (in Zoom Clinic or with Yair’s physical Supervision)
See RESOURCES for the Advanced Course for the TEMPLATE Form which MUST be FULLY completed for each Client Practise Treatment.
Clients can be students (past or present), also class mates and even external clients; as agreed with Yair.
Why use the Zoom Clinic?
For students (of the Advanced / Graduate Course) it is a requirement of the accreditation criteria. In addition, it is excellent platform to undertake the practise Energy Reading Treatment Sessions in a ‘safe learning’ environment.
For Clients they benefit from the healing treatments. Also ‘student clients’ can also gain the learning experience of a practical energy reading session. The session treatments are free for clients.
Zoom Sessions:
The practise sessions will be approx. 1 hour to 1.5 hours. To include a ‘feedback’ session provided by Yair.
Zoom Clinic Treatment Session procedure/process:
To book an extra session, in addition to the Graduate Course scheduled session, students need to agree a time with the client and then make an appointment in the Zoom Clinic, with Yair. Confirmation of booking will only be agreed once the fee is paid.