
Infinite Being Academy.
Training and supporting Energy Healers, internationally.

Energy Reading Foundation and Advanced Energy Reading Courses 

Important please note: students can attend both of our Energy Reading Courses for their own personal interest (and self-healing) – they do not have to undertake the 10 Written Energy Reading Case Studies which accredit students to be able undertake clinical practise.

Energy Reading Foundation Course
What is the criteria for certification on the foundation course?

To be accredited at Foundation level, participants must:

  • Attend all classes or watch the recorded classes (this needs to be arranged with Yair).
  • Complete and present all of the Home Practise Assignments (to required standard).
  • Undertake a Private Evaluation Session, with Yair (included in course fee)


Advanced Energy Reading Course
What is the criteria to be accredited at Advanced level?

To be accredited at Advanced level and in order to undertake Energy Reading as part of Clinical Practice, participants must:

  • Attend all classes or watch the recorded classes (this needs to be arranged with Yair).
  • Complete and present all of the Home Practise Assignments (to required standard).
  • Undertake a Private Evaluation Session, with Yair (included in course fee).
  • Prepare and practise elements of a Energy Reading Treatment Case Study.


Graduate Clinical Practise Course
What is the criteria to be accredited at Graduate Clinical Practise level?

TARGET: 10 Written Energy Reading Client Case Studies:

6 x unsupervised written Client Case Studies
4 x supervised ‘live’ written Client Case Studies

The Supervised Case Studies can be organised via the Zoom Clinic or Graduate Students, following completion of the Advanced Course can attend the Graduate Clinical Practise Course.


Any questions please contact us

For more information about our
Energy Reading Courses click below:

Energy Reading Foundation Course
Advanced Energy Reading Course