Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Your Name *Your Email *1. Clients' names *2. Main reason for the session *DRAW YOUR FINDINGS for couple energy interaction Click on the image to download a copy: Upload your drawing here: Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 3 files. 3. First general impression of Couple energy interaction:3.a: Which chakras are involved and in what way does the energy is interacting:DRAW YOUR FINDINGS One for each one of themClick the image to download a copy Upload your drawing here: (copy) Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 3 files. 4. General impression of member A4.b: Describe chakras and aura findings (A):5. General impression of member B5.b: Describe chakras and aura findings (B):--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Click the image to download a copy 6. Describe session flow: 6.a: Stage A6.b: Stage B – C6.c: Stage D--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7. During which parts of the session did you feel inflow?8. During which parts of the session did you feel like you needed support?9. What would you improve for the next session? Submit