Online Energy Mastering for Professionals Course
Next course STARTING:
April 24th at 10.00am CET 2023:
Mondays from 10:00h to 12:30h CET
‘It’s our soul’s journey to the light. As any flower grows to the light, we are growing to the light. And that’s really what we’re doing here. We can call it energy reading or we can call it whatever we want, but really it’s our karma and our soul’s journey to manifest the purest self. That which we are.’ –Yair Sagy
Online Energy Mastering for Professionals | Your soul’s journey to the light
Energy Mastering for Professionals is the next step on your energy reading path. It is open to participants who have attained certification in the Infinite Being Academy Foundation level course Energy Coaching.
Like Foundation level, our aim is to present Advanced level energy coaching in an interactive, fun and experiential way.

We build on the diagnostic teachings from the Foundation course – identifying energy imbalance. Now we take it to the next level as we begin the process of treatment.
In the Foundation you learned to see the energy. In the Advanced level, you will learn how to understand and interpret what you see.
In this way energy reading will become a tool that serves you both personally and clinically.
Join our ground breaking energy reading programme, honed by Yair Sagy, over forty years of dedicated study and practice.
You will be adding to your existing knowledge of the energetic systems: meridians, chakras and aura. Going deeper in your direct experience and interpretation of what is happening energetically, within and without the body.
Learning to use the chakra and meridian systems to identify possible causes of blockage and imbalance in yourself and others.
Investigating how mental conditioning reflects in the energy body and what to do about it.
Team up with class-mates and friends to explore energetic, therapeutic practice together.

Transform yourself | Step into your personal power
If you are already a therapist or clinical practitioner, in whatever discipline, learn how to further support your clients in recognising energy imbalance. Learn how to offer them the precious tool of self-healing.
Ongoing support. Yair and the community are always available to support you on your journey, during the courses and of course, way beyond.
Increase your confidence in your energy reading powers. You aren’t making it up. This is really happening!
Infinite Being Academy is fully accredited by IPHM International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine.
Further your professional development. Get certified from home.
Deepen your learning. Re-visit your classes any time you want with the class recordings

At the end of the course you will be able to
• Gain substantially increased confidence in your power to see and feel energy
• See through self-doubt
• Nurture your own unique energy reading language – make this your journey
• Dive deeper into the energy systems: chakras, aura, meridians, infinite
• Learn how to diagnose energy imbalance
• Understand the clinical applications of energy reading, both as diagnostic and therapeutic tool
• Empower others in recognising energy imbalances and their causes
• Explore treatment techniques to restore balance
• Learn to identify the root cause of imbalance using the chakras and aura
• Cultivate your individual approach to working with clients
• Start to build your confidence using energy reading as a therapeutic tool
Hear from our students
‘I loved it all! I am gently applying this knowledge in my everyday life. Observing and understanding why people are feeling the way they are – looking at their energies… Practicing energy reading on my new client had a beautiful outcome for her… What I love about the course is its simplicity. It’s amazing in the most gentle way!’
Lizzie, United Kingdom
‘I didn’t expect to learn so much. To meet Yair and all the lovely people on this platform without having to travel [was particularly good for me]. I feel that I have learned sooo much and I can also look back at the recordings, that is very helpful for my own development. You opened many doors, Yair. I like to dive in and do a lot with everything you’ve offered us and everything on your site and in your videos. I am very happy and grateful for that.’
Anya, The Netherlands
‘Yair’s courses have really taught me to believe in myself. To believe in everything that I already instinctively perceived but struggled to make sense of. This is an enormous and profound gift. I feel like doing the courses over and over again. They are so rich in material and insight. There is so much to learn and gain. And I’m so happy for the added bonus of having made new friends on this path as well, all over the world!’
Beverley, United Kingdom
‘Thank you very much Yair. I love your energy and enthusiasm to bring us all forward to a brighter future with love and inner connection. Big hug.’
Oliver, Spain